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Diawl Bach Fly

Hook Size

  • 10
  • 12
  • 14

Choose Quantity

  • 3
  • 6
  • 9
  • 12
  • 24

Estimated Dispatch Time

  • 1-3 Days
  • 3 Pack: $4.41, £3.45, 4.08
  • 12 Pack: $14.70, £11.50, 13.60
    (12 flies for the price of 10)
  • Selection Total: $4.41

  • Add fly to basket

When should I fish with the Diawl Bach?

This graph shows trends of when fly fishermen use the Diawl Bach to fish with and what hooks are most popular throughout the fly-fishing season.

About the Diawl Bach Trout Fly

The Diawl Bach is a very effective modern classic pattern, that has very quickly become a standard in stillwater flyboxes.

This simple dressing is a killer that can be fished on any line, from floating to fast sinker and at most depths.

Choose unweighted or lightly weighted nymphs for shallow or slow moving water. Medium weighted nymphs for slightly deeper or faster moving water, and your heaviest nymphs when you are dredging deep pools or have high and fast water conditions.

Diawl Bach loosely translated means "Little Devil".

Expert Tip:

Diawl Bach also make a popular fly on Loch Earn where Brown Trout and Rainbows are stocked.

Creator of this trout fly: Glyn Isaac

Tier of this trout fly: Mandy Shelvey

Country of origin for this trout fly: Wales

This trout fly is designed to be fished on Dams & Reservoirs, Rivers & Streams, Still Water

Pattern Dressings

  • Hook : 8-14.
  • Thread : Brown or black.
  • Tail : Natural red game cock.
  • Body : Bronze peacock herl.
  • Rib : Copper wire.
  • Beard Hackle : Natural red game cock.

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