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Top Ten Flies April 2018

With this week's heat wave arriving in the UK, its starting to feel the year is progressing from the prolonged cold snap and wet conditions into the full flow of spring. Insects and flies outside are growing in numbers, and this makes only good news for fly fishing.

Popular patterns so far this April include the Black Apache (we are still taking requests for the White Apache due to arrive later this season), Snails which arrived earlier in the month, and of course Buzzers and Pheasant Tails used to mimic any nymph activity.

There were also couple of Mayflies in the F4F chart this month too, no surprise with Mayfly season just around the corner.

These trending flies show a great impression of what is happening on the water at the moment, and directly shows what patterns other fisherman are using to catch those fish! Please share April's F4F top 10 chart.

Ranking 1 & 2

  • 1-3 days
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Apache Black Fly

From $1.97/fly (based on pack of 12)

  • 1-3 days
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Dennis the Menace Buzzer Fly

From $0.64/fly (based on pack of 12)

Ranking 3 & 4

  • 1-3 days
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Holo Blue Buzzer Fly

From $0.64/fly (based on pack of 12)

  • 1-3 days
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Green Snail Fly

From $1.28/fly (based on pack of 12)

Ranking 5 & 6

  • 1-3 days
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Sawyer's Pheasant Tail Fly

From $1.17/fly (based on pack of 12)

  • 1-3 days
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Blue Flash Pheasant Tail GH Fly

From $1.17/fly (based on pack of 12)

Ranking 7 & 8

  • 1-3 days
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Jet Black Buzzer Fly

From $0.64/fly (based on pack of 12)

Ranking 9 & 10

  • 1-3 days
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  • Special Offer
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Mohican Mayfly Fly

From $1.32/fly (based on pack of 12)

From $1.07/fly (based on pack of 12)

  • 1-3 days
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Richard Walker's Mayfly Weighted Fly

From $1.28/fly (based on pack of 12)